miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Weimaraner SunnySide Up!

http://ift.tt/2rq9KZM via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2soxBX2

My partner has anxiety and struggles with me working nights, so I've surprised her with a ferocious guard dog.

http://ift.tt/2rVLrnj via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rGaQSg

Lab embrace

http://ift.tt/2sfzx4T via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2sfnDYR

Polaris two years ago and now

http://ift.tt/2qCnYmZ via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2sfwKZt

Red Panda trying to open a door

http://ift.tt/2rFNr3b via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2soEBTO

When your cat is pushing 20 years old, but can still pull off that innocent baby look.

http://ift.tt/2qBQxB0 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2qHC2Lc

We had a visitor in our back yard.

http://ift.tt/2qBfrol via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rlSyTn

I am unreasonably attached to this little shit.

http://ift.tt/2rbmLWy via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2sof4dA

My horse's gift to my dog

http://ift.tt/2rUm2Ks via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2sf6b6O

One toy isn't enough. Gotta have at least two.

http://ift.tt/2rokUyk via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2qGYDrj

So apparently yesterday someone posted a photo of me and made it to front page? Here's the real me with the real Ruby (3 months older than yesterday's puppy pic)

http://ift.tt/2rFebB3 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rkZG21

This birthday pupper turns 18 today! 🎂🎁🎈🎉🎊

http://ift.tt/2rp4PIm via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2seByOF

Every morning

http://ift.tt/2rDQqJo via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rkPXZI

My cat feeling like a lion after seeing grass for the first time.

http://ift.tt/2rjjJy1 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2smJr3V

fluffy baby moo cow

http://ift.tt/2rTK7RL via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2roL7wG

Sun's out, Tongues out

http://ift.tt/2rEg5Sq via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2roKQtJ

Been begging the wife to let us get a puppy to grow up with our 5 month old daughter she has been completely against it until today.. everyone say hello to Presley our new 8 week old English golden retriever

http://ift.tt/2rihn2d via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2qAZISc

After nearly 63 years of marriage, my parents still look at each other this way. My Mom has Alzheimer's. My Dad is her caregiver. She doesn't always know who he is, but he makes her feel safe and loved.

http://ift.tt/2smdwkd via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rUh6Wb

Big enough to take himself for a walk

http://ift.tt/2sdwCK4 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rUlLaJ

Budgie Ball Balance

http://ift.tt/2sbNQY2 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2qAUB4q

Heard a cry outside of my bedroom window and found this little guy.

http://ift.tt/2rnT7xE via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2raSRBI

My girlfriend thinks that our dog Finn didn't get the recognition he deserves on reddit, so she made me post again. Reddit, this is Finn! 3 pounds of hell on paws.

http://ift.tt/2qybwsu via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2qFjyey

He doesn't quite know his name yet, but he sure knows how to pose for pictures - Reddit meet Leo

http://ift.tt/2qyRU3B via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rj91HS

martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

Just bought a slow cooker...

http://ift.tt/2rhtnRT via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rmd08A

We recently moved and while cleaning, noticed hundreds of this good girl's nose prints on the bottom of my daughter's door. She checks on her over and over while she is asleep.

http://ift.tt/2rSGPyj via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rCMad8

I'm the good boy...it was him.

http://ift.tt/2rCvW3H via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2ripcFo

My boy was so happy to be part of our wedding

http://ift.tt/2sbRLV5 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rm3D8Z

Needs someone to cuddle with after leaving her mom

http://ift.tt/2rgXZTw via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rCb3Wg

Mother daughter bonding time

http://ift.tt/2shAA3p via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2qyBQil

My wife and I just added a new member to our family...Reddit meet Stella.

http://ift.tt/2rRCUSm via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rS8i2N

Who ate the tater tots?

http://ift.tt/2rB3Y8y via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rRXthz

I have found my bestfriend. Reddit, meet Charles.

http://ift.tt/2qw0Zyg via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2r8nBmW

My two 12 week old pups posing for a quick picture before the fighting resumed

http://ift.tt/2qvFspo via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rkKbcm

Safe mode

http://ift.tt/2qCa5o9 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2qwnkeU

This kitten has the cutest and most unusual ears ever

http://ift.tt/2qCLNdx via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rgGnXy

Moved back home and my gf replaced me with this little fella. Regret

http://ift.tt/2qBTGAd via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2r7CzcO

The precise moment at which my dog realized he was about to be thokked on the head by a tennis ball

http://ift.tt/2qBRp8b via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2shL4Qz

Walking is hard

http://ift.tt/2qBKHi9 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2qwJklF

This dog cuddling a baby cuddling a fox plush

http://ift.tt/2qBSuN9 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rgx9uI

Girlfriend and I had to wait on a family to cross the street yesterday

http://ift.tt/2rj2UoI via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rg4hmk

Reddit, this is Flower. She's blind as shit.

http://ift.tt/2s8xJdZ via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2qB40s6

My brothers puppy graduated puppy school today and he's pleased as punch!

http://ift.tt/2rfdHhG via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rfuq4w

Not the cat you want to meet late night

http://ift.tt/2r5wb5R via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2sffvXw

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

cat cant figure out toy.

http://ift.tt/1s7LEQd via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rgZAL8

I got my first ever dog this weekend

http://ift.tt/2qtdsCs via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rh1Em0

Don't know if this counts, but a cute little bird landed on my fishing pole on the water.

http://ift.tt/2rzpIl4 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rzk82j

This dog has a wonderful life.

http://ift.tt/2qvzqkh via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2s7I3Tx

Good Cat!!

http://ift.tt/2qA953J via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2rh5XxG

Ladybug in the Morning Dew

http://ift.tt/2qrXcBG via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2s7rEyb

Mommy left her newborn to go feed for the day so she'll probably come back for her tonight, but until then we have a cute little deer curled up outside our patio! It took all my will to not pet it..

http://ift.tt/2r4PwnO via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2re7e6I